Richard Soan Roofing Services continues to achieve the Gold Standard for Health & Safety accreditation from the National Federation of Roofing Contractors.
To put this award into context there are 1090 NFRC members nationally and only 80 have received Gold status.
In the London Southern Counties region we have 424 members of which only 27 obtained the Gold award.
During the year we have completed further training for all employees raising awareness of mental health issues; mental health is now the biggest cause of time off work with an illness, highlight was given to the fact that this is a very real issue and that management would like to help anyone who has problems however trivial they may seem. The common triggers for depressions, anxiety and stress were discussed and the sessions was very open with good feedback from employees. A plan is in place to follow this up with 1-2-1 meetings.

Health & Safety training is constantly on-going throughout the year, courses include first aid, asbestos awareness and working with asbestos no-notifiable, scaffold inspection, Safe2Torch.
We also hold an annual Health & Safety day where all staff (internal and external) attend same. This day is organised on our behalf by the London Southern Roof Training Group and our external Health & Safety Consultant. This year’s guest speaker was Jason Anker who spoke about the devastation impact of life after a construction accident.
Our external Health & Safety Consultant continues to make unannounced site visits to our live sites to ensure that safe working practices are being adopted,these visits are welcomed by the site team, as they realise it is to their benefit to assist with problem solving relating to health & safety issues.
As further confirmation of how importantly we take the matter of Health & Safety we have reproduced this glowing appraisal from independent risk management consultants, BC Risk Management:
Dear Richard
I write to confirm that I have been working with Richard Soan Roofing since October 2015 and would like to put on record how pleased I am with the approach to Health & Safety shown by all at Richard Soan Roofing in the last 12 months.
There has been an outstanding attitude from all levels of Management and also I am particularly pleased with the approach of the employees on the coal face as it were.
During the year we have completed over 20 site inspections and on each occasion not only the Site Foreman but also the whole gang have interacted with me posi tively on my visits. Most of these visits have been unannounced and at all times the sites have been well managed.
If we have ever pointed out an issue this has been welcomed and actioned immediately. It is also pleasing that the operatives are now comfortable in contacting me direct to ask Health & Safety related questions
In relation to paperwork I have always found the site files to contain everything as required. It has been useful to work with the Company in helping to develop the following:
• Construction Phase Health & Safety Plans
• Risk Assessments
• Method Statements
• Tool-Box Talks
The annual training day held in December was very successful and I feel you did well to not only have attendance from all of your staff but also the sub-contractors that you use . Some of these smaller contractors struggle to provide training so this was extremely useful for them especially as it was all organised and paid for by the Company.
Once again congratulations on the performance and continuing to gain accreditation with CHAS, Safe Contractor and Construction Line.
Anthony Birch C.M.1.O.S.H.
Chartered Health & Safety Practitioner

Click image for original letter